Latest DIY Advice

Best Tools for DIY

Best Tools for DIY

Finding the best tools for DIY can be hard at the beginning. We cut through the nonsense and discuss the best tools for DIY, their uses, and where to buy them.

Best tools for DIY

Best Tools for DIY- FREE Shopping List

Heading to your local hardware store to get started with DIY? Take our free Best Tools for DIY Shopping List so you don't forget anything!

Should you mow or whipper snip first?

Should You Mow or Whipper Snip First?

Mow then snip? Or Snip then mow? And what about edging? Learn our lawn care mantra to save time and make your lawn look professional!

What is the best cordless tool brand?

What is the Best Cordless Tool Brand?

There are so many tool brands out there, each vying for your attention. But what is the best cordless tool brand for professionals, DIY, and those on a budget?​

How to Sharpen Mower Blades with Angle Grinder

How to Sharpen Mower Blades with Angle Grinder

Mower blades should be sharpened regularly to ensure a healthy lawn. Click to see how cheap and easy it is to sharpen your mower blade with an angle grinder.

DIY skills

Sharpen Your DIY Skills Quickly by Thinking Like a Pro

Professional tradesmen get better results than the average DIYer, even with simple jobs. Learn to sharpen your DIY skills by thinking like a pro!

Waterproof Tool Bag

How to Make a Waterproof Tool Bag

Turning your existing tool bag into a waterproof tool bag is easy! Find out how to care for your tool bag and tool backpack, and how to make them waterproof!

Saw blade clock

How to Make an Upcycled Saw Blade Clock

It's affordable and easy to make your very own upcycled saw blade clock. Find out how you can make a clock out of just about anything!

how to get rust off hand tools

How to Get Rust off Hand Tools

Finding rust on your tools is supremely frustrating! Fortunately, removing rust from your tools is an easy task. Find out how to get rust off hand tools here!